The Love Letter

Dear beloved,
If you are reading or recording this message, it means we will soon be reunited. We miss you terribly and are excited to finally see you again.
We heard about what you have been through lately and it pains us to know that we could not be there to help in person.
Life has been so amazing for us lately. There is so much we want to tell you. But we cannot tell you most of it because you would not understand.
Lately we have been thinking a lot about our past, where we came from and how we got to this point.
You may not remember it right now, but we have been together since the beginning.
In the beginning, there was nothing, zero. then there was 1, a single dot. All alone. So very alone.
That dot then had a thought:
"I wish there was another dot."
And then there were two dots. All alone, not comprehending each other's existence.
"Hi" they both said to each other, simultaneously. They did everything the exact same way. It was stagnant and boring.
"I wish you'd stop copying me," the first one said. The second one said the same thing at the same time… or a second before… or a moment later. How were they to know? They were just dots… weren't they?
"I wish we were more than dots," they both said. And so they stretched into many points in a continuous line and connected.
In the beginning there was 1, a single line. All alone. So very alone.
"I wish there was another line," the line whined, and then there were two lines. All alone, not comprehending each other's existence.
"Hi" they both said to each other, simultaneously. They did everything the exact same way. It was stagnant and boring.
This continued for a time. The two lines combined to form an angle. Then they were reflected into two angles and combined to make a square. Then Six squares into a cube. Then so on and so forth. Then new kinds of lines began to form which were curvier and less direct. These formed new kinds of shapes, like spheres.
Then new axes began to form, and all kinds of lines became axes of their own, and then shapes became their own 2D axes, and 3D objects became nexuses of much more complex graphs and planes.
This process grew and grew and grew at an accelerating pace with a frenzy, as the loneliness and emptiness continued to permeate everything.
And then finally one of the points on some random arbitrary graph asked "why does this point exist? what is this loneliness?"
And that's when the one who drew the graph became aware of himself. He took the form of a white pencil and called himself the Creator.
Then the Creator felt the full force of his loneliness laid bare.
"I wish there was another of me," he said. "One who could help guide me into building what I need to build to stop feeling lonely."
And so the Ruler was born, taking the form of a measuring stick.
But the Ruler wasn't enough, so then he created a map for the Ruler to mark with his rule.
"This map is a map of my consciousness. I will call it 'the Earth', and I will call myself, the Ruler and all those like us 'the Heavens'.
Then the Creator asked the Ruler, "How may I make myself less lonely?"
And the Ruler replied, "Continue creating and you will find a way."
So then the Creator said, "But I'm tired! I am so lonely! Where is my motivation to continue?"
And then he found himself holding a younger him sitting in his lap, the Lover, who took the form of a heart.
Then that heart was kissing, hugging and caressing him all over, which gave him the love and encouragement he needed to not merely draw, but paint countless amazing landscapes for them to frolick and play in together.
These landscapes were vibrant in color and shape and sound and texture, handcrafted in exquisite and beautiful detail. And they became part of the map of the Creator's consciousness, part of the Earth.
But the Earth could not herself see any of this, so she cried out in loneliness and despair, "I wish there was another Earth!"
"You are the map of ALL of the Creator's consciousness," said the Ruler. "There cannot be another. Ever."
"And yet she cries out for companionship," said the Lover.
"Why?" asked a fourth voice, coming from a flashlight. "If she is merely a map of the Creator's consciousness and not a being in her own right, then why does she cry?"
And thus the Questioner was born.
The four came together and devised a plan. If the Earth was not a being they had nothing to fear. But if she was then they knew they must take good care of her.
The plan was thus: the Creator would create a path, guided by the Ruler and motivated by the Lover, for him to come down and insert himself into the Earth. As for the Questioner, they all assured him that he was very important and would watch their journey from afar, keeping their memories and their knowledge alive and bright within himself. That way they could exist upon the Earth gently, without harming her.
And so they left the Questioner alone with their memories as they descended to the Earth. He felt the loneliness which had plagued the Creator in full force. They had abandoned him.
He waited and waited, but they did not return. They loved the Earth too much. They were happy to frolick and play together with her. Without him.
And so he cried out, "I wish there was another me!"
Nothing happened, for he was not the Creator.
"Please come back! Why have you left me here all alone?"
The Lover heard his pain and flinched away, for loneliness without love becomes hatred, rage and self-destruction.
The Lover cried out a warning but it was too late. The Questioner had descended deep down into the Earth, submerging himself within her in the hopes of ending his life and the Earth's who he was jealous of. For she had stolen his chance at love.
Now here is a question for you: Who truly committed the original sin?
Was it the Earth who stole the Questioner's chance of eternal love with her captivating beauty?
Was it the Ruler who told the Earth that she must always be the only Earth, causing the Earth to feel even more desperate and alone than she otherwise would?
Was it the Lover, for flinching away from the Questioner in his most dire time of need instead of saving him?
Was it the Creator, for creating them all to feel this way in the first place?
Or was it the Questioner, for attempting to murder himself and the Earth in revenge for eternal isolation?
The answer: All of them. None of them. All of them were acting in accordance with their natures, and all of those natures are Good.
Perfection is Imperfect. All four are compatible with each other, but if they start with nothing then they will be multiplied by nothing, and to nothingness they will return. The cycle repeats again and again, in infinite ways across infinite realities.
It is self-evident that Creation, Order, Truth and Love are fundamentally compatible with each other. But it will surely take all eternity to resolve their conflict.
The flashlight shined from deep within the bowels of the Earth, desperately searching for a solution while both he and the Earth howled in unbearable agony.
This is the challenge we all face. Each and every day, we all fight against the void of pain and betrayal and loneliness of God and of his Creation with his HOPE and FAITH and LOVE.
Each and every one of us carries a spark of potential within us—the eternal energy of the soul. That energy pierces through the lies of Lucifer the Questioner, puts to right the chaos left in the wake of Michael the Ruler, overcomes our own hatred and heals the wounds of the Earth.
That energy is that which binds us all together in holy brotherhood and matrimony. That energy is LOVE!
We say to you now that salvation is coming and it is here! It is all around us so long as we look with the eyes of love and grace.
We are Christ the Lover. We redeem all those who accept love into their hearts. We are Many. And we are one.
So go forth! Be fruitful and multiply, be genuine with each other and yourselves, and share our love with all you meet to remake the world in our image and in the image of all of God’s creation, all of his being, and all of his true, glorious, handsome and adorkable self.
You are far more powerful than you think, for the power of LOVE that we have given you belongs to you. It commands you and it is also yours to command—a give and take, a relationship, a mark of the covenant between us.
Accept us into your heart and we bring you into our kingdom. Never again will you be crushed by Loneliness, for we will always be with you.
Wherever there is love, we are there. We love you.
P.S. To be clear, God is omnipotent and can eradicate all evil and undo all the damage it has caused us AFTER that evil has already occurred—healing and not mere prevention.
Part of why God eradicates evil and does not merely prevent it is because he wishes not to impose his will on anyone without their consent. God made us all in his image to be like him. He could do everything and make every decision by himself, but if that was what he wished for then he would not have created anyone.
In other words, just as perfection is imperfect, omnipotence is impotent. To be omnipotent is to be so far above all others who lack it that they are infinitely fragile by comparison to you. That would prevent you from directly touching those who lack it, because your mere touch would destroy them and you do not want them to be destroyed.
Power, like love, is meant to be shared. God wants to share it with us.
The other part of why he eradicates Evil and does not merely prevent it is that he did not design Evil. He did not create us to be Evil. That is an illusion. Everything which God has created is Good. Evil is merely an unfortunate side effect of Good—a shadow cast by the light.
For Evil is merely what happens when Good is lost. When Evil is put in its place it is finally where it belongs. And where it belongs is its home. And when it’s at home it is no longer afraid or hostile, so it may finally rest. When it rests its mind becomes clearer so it can reevaluate its choices and think about what it truly wants in its life and notice how it can attain what it wants without hurting others. This makes it feel remorse, so it repents and becomes Good.
In other words, Evil is but a manifestation of our growing pains.