Monday, April 4, 2022

Narrative Self-Awareness Notes

Tropes as ingredients, mix and match them in new and surprising ways

Describe some basic characteristics about yourself, your life story and your dreams

Maybe it describes other people too?

1. Scifi-fantasy action adventure hero. Most talented survivalist healer in the known world. Survived decades of extreme brain poisoning and social isolation. Held prisoner for no crime as long as he can remember.

2. His love interest is either his father or someone who is like a father to him (never met in person).

3. The hero's personality is a Melting Pot, just like America as a whole is. (His personality is kinda like Kirby's, except that he doesn't have to swallow enemies to unlock his other "modes of being". Although changing his diet in certain ways can help.)

4. His journey is like a metroidvania game. As he learns new skills and understands the world around him in new ways, new areas and possibilities are unlocked. 

5. "The world is in danger because of the Culture Wars! How does the hero resolve the Culture Wars and save the world?

5.1. He builds/develops his home as a multipurpose site: a volunteerwork workplace, a community/cultural/recreational space, a refuge for travellers, a dating/hookup location, a place of worship, and various combinations thereof.

This allows him to bridge all the cultural divides right from home. It's an easy opportunity to demonstrate his cross cultural diplomacy skills. The word will spread about how normal peace between the peoples of the world becomes in his home. Those who see it in person or on video will reconcile with each other and protect him and each other from their own peoples who declare them all to be traitors and infiltrators when they aren't. The peaceful ones win because they use more teamwork and because the attackers are attacking each other more than the peaceful ones.

5.2. He participates in a sporting event of some kind and wins, thus causing him and his life story to become well known. Many people of all different religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds in America find common ground between his story and their own, and so they feel compassion for him. 

They also read his writing and are inspired to form think tanks with their ideological and cultural opponents, not expecting any useful innovations or applications to result. That expectation is quickly proven wrong, which provides lots of economic incentives against large culture wars and geopolitical conflicts in America.

Expected results: When America, the melting pot of all the world's cultures is finally at peace with itself, it can persuade other nations like Russia and China to not war against it by having its Chinese-American and Russian-American residents vouch for the rest of their American neighbors. If Germany wants to war against America, then German-Americans would be the ones vouching for their neighbors.

We can all vouch for each other. See the previous post about switching from military supremacy to diplomatic-merchant supremacy.