Thursday, September 24, 2020

Yoda Speaks on the Great Balancing Act

Ignorance leads to distrust. Distrust leads to fear. Fear leads to preemptive strikes. Preemptive strikes lead to death or subjugation, which leads to cycles of vengeance.

But forced to work together many tribes are, when one tribe subjugates the rest. Working together leads to trade, trade leads to alliances, alliances lead to friendship and love, which leads to a new generation growing up without remembering their hatred of each other, which leads to peace, which leads to foundational stability to build new infrastructure upon. For the good of all such infrastructure is.

Then has children the new generation does. History these children remember not. Not the toil their ancestors endured. Not the cost of infrastructure built. Complacent they become.

Locally met all needs are, or so they think. But if locally met all needs are, then needed outsiders are not.

Fade their trade relationships do. Loss of trade leads to loss of communal bonds. Loss of those bonds leads to loss of contact, loss of contact leads to loss of understanding, loss of understanding leads to ignorance...

But inevitable this was not. Continued living and growing, continued building civilization higher they could have. But only if lived longer they had–the generations whose ancestors' toil they remembered. Or if, to their children, imparted more their ancestors had. Or if to teach and learn from each other more efficiently, those children had learned. Rebuild they could have, before the last bricks of civilization fell.

A mistake every fall is. A mistake every death is. Part of life mistakes are. Learn from them we must, to become stronger, to make fewer mistakes. Or else perish we all will, with no one left to carry on.

The Great Balancing Act, Life and Civilization are.

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