Sunday, March 27, 2022

Pokemon: Scarlet and Gray version Forword

Me: So... um...

Mother Nature: It's okay, take all the time you need.

Me: *mumbles nervously*

Mother Nature: *sigh* Fine, I'll explain, since you are too cowed by the abusive hospital staff to do so.

Me: Thank you.

Mother Nature: With your species' current understanding of science, technology, psychology and ecobiology, you will soon have the ability to use your imaginations to "talk" to imaginary people, and then locate or engineer them somewhere out there in the space-time continuum. Either by using 3D nanontechological printers with various kinds of cellular and molecular ink to print whole persons out of computer simulated umiverses, or by using a good understanding of human psychology and ecological-cultural geography, as well as a sophisticated IMAGINATION, to predict exactly what kind of cultural and ecological environments would produce patterns of experiences which would shape a large batch population of similar human's psychology in exactly the right ways that at least one member of that population would have a personality which strongly resembles a fictional character who you wish to meet and talk to in real life if you could do so.

Me: Thank you, Mother Nature. That's why I'm getting a head start writing about "doppelgangers" of myself. Considering that I look NOTHING like how I did just five years ago, to the point where it strains a conventional understanding of human biology, I don't yet have reason to doubt that others could be mistaken for me or vice versa. 

Especially because I am psychologically and culturally a melting pot, and so is my country America. I doubt that I am the only one who that statement accurately describes, because I am not a "special snowflake".

And considering how our offical established institutional system keeps trying to punish me for wrongs I never committed and to treat me like the opposite of my real personality...

Well, which is more realistic? All the grownups I've ever met or interacted with whatsoever in life knowingly being slanderers and child abusers on purpose? Or them just mistaking me for someone else over and over because of the highly variable cultural influences on my body through my diet, environment and the drugs that were already forced into me?

So maybe when they see someone who looks identical to how they remember me looking, and that person does something wrong, they assume it was me even though it wasn't.

If I'm right about this, then imaginary friends who would seem like psychological doppelgangers of me to other people but not at all to me should correspond very closely to the real personalities of at least one or more other Americans out there in the world.

So when I write this story about one of those "doppelgangers", there is a significant likelihood that similar events were or will be experienced by someone else out there at some point.

This is the tale of a "Pokemon Trainer" in real life. He bonded with a local pidgeon which had broken into his messy apartment in the midst of a depressive funk in a complicated captivity situation. Whenever his captors came to check on him, the pidgeon would fly out the window and hide, because his captors did not allow him to share his home with any living being other than himself.

He had very few friends and allies he could truly trust, and he was trapped in the no-man's land of a global culture war. He isn't the only one in that situation, of course. There are many of us like that here in America. Many of us who have such a wide variety of cultural and environmental influences on our bodies, values and world views, to the point where every faction and organization ostracizes us for it.

This is a tale of one such new "Pokemon trainer" on his adventures in the Columbus Metropolitan region.

It is a tale of love...


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